Council Regulation (EC) No 116/2009 of 18 December 2008 on the export of cultural goods

Normative instruments
Resource theme: 
Legislation - International
Resource type: 
Tools & Practices - Normative instruments
Council of the European Union
Language of publication: 

Regulation 116/2009 lays down provisions to ensure that exports of cultural goods are subject to uniform controls at the Union's external borders.  It was adopted in view of the creation of the internal market in January 1993, in an attempt to reconcile the principle of free movement of goods and the need for Member States to protect their national treasures.

The categories of cultural objects covered by the Regulation are listed in its Annex I.  The export of cultural goods outside the Union's customs territory is subject to the presentation of an export licence.

The provisions necessary for the implementation of the Regulation are laid down in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1081/2012  of 9 November 2012 (codification).

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