Resource theme: Export, Acquisition & Due diligence Resource type: Bibliography - Reports Author: BOUTOPOULOU Smaragda, MOULIOU MarlenEditor: European experts group on mobility of collections, Sub-working group on the Prevention of thefts and Illicit trafficking of cultural goodsDate: 2010Pages / Length: 119 p.Language of publication: EnglishAs the cultural heritage of a nation, within and outside the European Union frontiers, is its best ambassador in promoting the understanding and respect of its civilization, it is of fundamental importance to protect this heritage for the sake, not only of the nation of origin, but also for the preservation of European cultural coherence. Thus the EU Member States are concerned about the illicit trade in cultural goods and the irreparable damage caused by it, both to the objects themselves and to the national cultural heritage, but also to the heritage of all peoples particularly by the pillage of archaeological sites. To contribute to the fight against illicit trafficking and trade of cultural goods, Member States should adopt the minimum common legal and ethical standards as these are provided by the legal and ethical framework at European and International level. North America & EuropeEastern EuropeActor: European Union Download Boutopoulou_Mouliou_Due_Diligence.pdf