Database on Stolen and Illicitly Exported Cultural Objects (Krajowy wykaz zabytków skradzionych lub wywiezionych zagranicę niezgodnie z prawem)

Databases, watchlists, catalogues
Resource theme: 
Endangered & Stolen objects
Resource type: 
Tools & Practices - Databases, watchlists, catalogues
National Institute of Museology and Collections Protection
Language of publication: 

In its present form, the list is a tool used by the Police, Customs Service and Border Guard to carry out searches and identification of lost goods of culture. As a publicly accessible data base, it also creates a possibility for other persons to verify whether a given object is being looked for. It is a very useful tool for antiquarians, auction houses and their clients – all players of the antiquarian market. Lost relics are reported to the National Register of Relics which have been Stolen or taken out of the country in violation of the law, by the Police, Customs Service, Border Guard, Regional Bureaus for Protection of Relics and their branch offices, museums, as well as private persons and institutions which are owners of managers of relics. The registration is conditional upon prior notification of the criminal offence to law enforcement bodies and delivery of data which enable identification of the lost relics (photos, basic dimensions, description).