Thème de la ressource: Trafic d'œuvres d'art, d'antiquités, de documents anciens et de spécimens d'histoire naturelle Litiges, retours et restitutions Contrôles et enquêtes des forces de l'ordre Type de ressource: Bibliographie - Livres Auteur: WATSON Peter, TODESCHINI CeciliaEditeur: New York : BBS Public AffairsDate: 2006Pages / Longueur: 379 pLangue de publication: AnglaisThe story begins, as stories do in all good thrillers, with a botched robbery and a police chase. Eight Apuleian vases of the fourth century B.C. are discovered in the swimming pool of a German-based art smuggler. More valuable than the recovery of the vases, however, is the discovery of the smuggler's card index detailing his deals and dealers. [...] International Lien vers le site web