Art Antiquity & Law Volume I, Issue 1

Scientific journals
Resource theme: 
Fakes & Forgeries
Legislation - International
Legislation - National
Resource type: 
Bibliography - Scientific journals
Leicester : Institute of Art and Law
Language of publication: 


Art in the Law of Charitable Trusts
by Paul Kearns

Treasure Trove and the Case for Reform
by Roger Bland

Religious Offerings and the Intention to Recover in the Law of Treasure Trove
by Clive Cheesman

Art Auctions in China
by J. David Murphy

Case Notes

Misattribution and the Meaning of Forgery - the De Balkany Litigation
by Norman Palmer

Australian Aboriginal Art, Carpets and Copyright
by Andrew Kenyon

Disputed Title to Loaned Works of Art - The Shchukin Litigation
by Ruth Redmond-Cooper

Treaties and Legislation

Final Act of the Diplomatic Conference for the Adoption of the Draft UNIDROIT Convention on the International Return of Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects

Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1994
by Norman Palmer

European Union

Amendments to EC Rules: Watercolours, Gouaches and Pastels
by Joanna Goyder

Conference Reports

Transacting in Art I (London, 6 July 1995)
by Keith Marriot

Transacting in Art II (London, 3 October 1995)
by Keith Marriot

Transacting in Art III (London, 13 November 1995)
by Keith Marriot

Patrimoine, Temps, Espace (Paris, 22-24 January 1996)
by Ruth Redmond-Cooper

INTERPOL Conference on Traffic in Stolen Works of Art in Eastern and Central Europe (Prague, 20-22 June 1995)
by Jan Hladík