Art Antiquity & Law Volume II, Issue 4

Scientific journals
Resource theme: 
Legislation - International
Legislation - National
Resource type: 
Bibliography - Scientific journals
Leicester : Institute for Art and Law
Language of publication: 


Expert Determination: its Use in Resolving Art and Antiquity Disputes
by John Kendall

Export Licensing in the Nordic Countries
by Tini Peterzens-Nysten

Use of Databases to Combat Theft of Cultural Heritage Material
by Patrick O'Keefe

State Intervention - Fiscal Incentives and Financial Assistance
by Heather Wilson

Disputed Titles in Antiquarian Books
by John Feather

'The Policeman and the Rail': Crime and Punishment in the Paintings of W.P. Frith
by Richard Ireland

Case Notes

Gifts, Households and Delivery (Horsley v. Phillips Fine Art Auctioneers Pty Ltd)
by A. H. Hudson

Ruxley, Restorers and Remedies (Gardner v. Argyle)
by Roger Halson

Valuation of Jewellery for Insurance Re-Visited (Grimaldi Ltd v. Sullivan)
by Jonathan Wood

Conference Reports

UNESCO-WIPO World Forum on the Protection of Folklore
by Terri Janke

E.C.C.O. Congress
by Heather Edwards

Symposium on the Conservation of Modern Art
by Caroline Forder

SPTL/UKNCCL Colloquium
by Caroline Forder


COPAT Policy of Due Diligence for Dealers

Book Review

Legal Aspects of International Trade in Art