Resource theme: Legislation - International Legislation - National Resource type: Bibliography - Scientific journals Editor: Leicester : Institute of Art and LawDate: 2006Language of publication: EnglishArticles The Sárospatak Case: Rare Books Return to Hungary from NizhniiNovgorod – A New Precedent for Russian Cultural Restitution?Patricia Kennedy Grimsted and Konstantin Akinsha The Value of Art or the Art we Value?Dawn Watkins Itinerant Art in the European Community: Loans, Collective Title, Shared Enjoyment and the Mystique of Museum Property – A Common Lawyer’s PerspectiveNorman Palmer Private Treaty Sale to a Museum of Heritage Chattels when the Acquiring Institution is not a Body within Schedule 3 Inheritance Act 1983James Carleton and Edward Manisty Case Note Duress, Arbitration and Contractual LiabilityA.H. Hudson DocumentUNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions InternationalActor: Institute of Art and Law