Cultural Property Crime Unit - Criminal Investigation Department

Statut de l'acteur: 
Forces de l'ordre nationales
Organisation principale: 
Malta Police - Ministry for Home and Parliamentary Affairs
Personne à contacter: 
Baldacchino Saviour
Adresse postale: 

Malta Police General Headquarters
Floriana - VLT 2000


The Cultural Property Crime Unit (CPCU) was set up in 2004 within the Criminal Investigation Department to focus on crimes related to cultural property. The unit was set up to investigate crimes falling under various categories:

- theft of works of art
- illict trafficking of cultural goods
- voluntary and involuntary damages on objects and cultural sites 
- Online sales and trafficking of cultural property
- Plundering of archaeological sites

Cultural Property Crime is a specialization area within the Criminal Investigation Department, trained in dealing with investigations and prosecutions of all crimes related to cultural property.  At National level the unit works in close co-operation with the Malta Customs Department, the Malta Superintendence of Cultural Heritage and border security within the Port Controls. The CPCU assists other entities in securing cultural property and cultural sites in The Maltese Islands, through various measures and initiatives for the protection of cultural heritage. The CPCU has frequently been partner, on a regional and international level, in various projects concerning the protection of cultural property.