Thème de la ressource: Trafic d'œuvres d'art, d'antiquités, de documents anciens et de spécimens d'histoire naturelle Pillage d'objets archéologiques Type de ressource: Bibliographie - Articles Auteur: ANDERSON KathleenEditeur: New Eng. Journal International & Comparative LawDate: 2002Pages / Longueur: 24 p.Langue de publication: AnglaisAnyone who has climbed up the Athenian landscape to marvel at the ancient wonder of the Acropolis knows that the temptation to kneel down and grab a piece of the rubble for a keepsake is overwhelming.' It is human nature to desire the sole possession of rare items of historical worth and beauty; however, such spirations often result in denying the rest of mankind the enrichment of such cultural objects. International Télécharger Anderson_the_international_theft.pdf