Journal of Art Crime, Vol 1, Spring 2009

Scientific journals
Thème de la ressource: 
Trafic d'œuvres d'art, d'antiquités, de documents anciens et de spécimens d'histoire naturelle
Pillage d'objets archéologiques
Législation - International
Litiges, retours et restitutions
Type de ressource: 
Bibliographie - Revues scientifiques
Association for Research into Crimes Against Art
Langue de publication: 

Academic Articles
Virginia Curry
United States v. Steven George Cooperman

Howard Spiegler
Surviving War & Peace: The Long Road to Recovering the Malevich Paintings

Ann Shaftel
Thangka Painting Techniques: Traditional, Contemporary, & Instantly “Old”

Erik Nemeth
Plunderer & Protector of Cultural Property:
Security-Intelligence Services Shape Strategic Value of Art

Regular Columns
Donn Zaretsky
Art Law & Policy

David Gill
Context Matters: Archaeological & Antiquities Crime

Stevan Layne
Art Security

Derek Fincham
An Empty Frame: Thinking About Art Crime

Noah Charney
Lessons from the History of Art Crime

Editorial Essays
Jonathan Lopez
7/8ths Underwater—Art Fraud

Julie Williams
Museums De-Accessioning Collections

Col. Giovanni Pastore
Defending Art—Excerpt from ARCA’s book “Art & Crime”

Shima Ebrahimi
Art Theft: The Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum Heist &
An Investigation into Title and Statute of Limitations

David Gill
Cuno’s “Who Owns Antiquity?” & Waxman’s “Loot”

Andrea Wood
Dolnick’s “The Forger’s Spell” & Lopez’ “The Man Who Made Vermeers”

Virginia Curry
Connor’s “The Art of the Heist” & Boser’s “The Gardner Heist”

David Gill
Nostoi Exhibition in Rome

Andrea Wood
“The Rape of Europa” PBS Documentary

Annotated Literature Reviews
Susan Summerfield Hammerman
Rare Book, Map, and Manuscript Crimes

Mark Durney
Looting & the Illicit Trade in Antiquities

Interview with Vernon Rapley
Q&A with Lord Colin Renfrew
Noah Charney
The Art That We Protect: Must-See Artworks Around the World
This Issue: “Top Ten Must-See Artworks in The Netherlands”