Thème de la ressource: Sécurité et prévention Type de ressource: Bibliographie - Rapports Auteur: DECARLI Georgina, ALVAREZ KELLER DanielaEditeur: Fundación ILAMDate: 2009Pages / Longueur: 39 p.Langue de publication: EspagnolThe aim of this publication was to investigate the current status of the situation, in order to hold a meeting in October, 2009. In this meeting organized by UNESCO, Interpol and UNIDROIT, responsible parties - church and state - of the countries of Latin America in the preservation and safeguarding of religious heritage, were invited to participate. Amérique latine et CaraïbesActeur: ILAM Foundation (Latin American Institute of Museums) Télécharger ILAM_situacion_iglesia.pdf