Art Antiquity & Law Volume I, Issue 2

Scientific journals
Thème de la ressource: 
Législation - International
Législation - National
Type de ressource: 
Bibliographie - Revues scientifiques
Leicester : Institute of Art and Law
Langue de publication: 


Exploiting the Weaker Party: Unconscionable, Unequal and Disadvantageous Transactions in Art
by Sir Anthony Mason AC, KBE

Art in the Law of Copyright: Legal Determinations of Artistic Merit under United Kingdom Copyright Law
by David L. Booton

Title to Finds and Discovered Antiquities under Polish Law
By Wojciech Kowalski

Case Notes

Protecting the National Heritage? Judicial Review and The Three Graces
by Nicholas Bamforth

Governing Law in International Art Sales (Spink & Sons Ltd v. General Atlantic Corp.)
by Gregory J. Tolhurst

Title to Antiquarian Finds: Perpetuating the Impenetrable (Waverley Borough Council v. Fletcher)
by Norman Palmer

Treaties, Legislation and Discussion Documents

The UNIDROIT Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects
by Paul Jenkins

Portable Antiquities - a Discussion Document
Department of National Heritage

Response of the Standing Conference on Portable Antiquities to the Discussion Document Should Works by Living Artists be Subject to Export Controls?
Department of National Heritage Discussion paper

ICOMOS Charter for the Protection and Management of the Underwater Cultural Heritage

European Union

Artists' Resale Rights


E.C. Export Licences: Issuing Authorities
by Joanna Goyder

Conference Reports

Convention d'Unidroit sur les Biens Culturels Volé ou Illicitement Exportés (Lausanne, 2 October 1995)
by Paul Kearns

Second National Maritime Museum Conference on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage (London, 25-26 January 1996)
by Sarah Dromgoole

Museums in the Global Enterprise Society - International Opportunities and Challenges (London, 15-16 February 1996)
by Ruth Redmond-Cooper

Old and Unclaimed Loans (London, 14 March 1996)
by Ruth Redmond-Cooper

Transacting in Art V - Art Antiquity and the Criminal Law (London, 27 March 1996)
by Vincent Reynolds