Title to Wreck (Part I)
by Sarah Dromgoole and Nicholas Gaskell
An Outline of Moveable Cultural Heritage Protection in Australia
by Gregory J. Tolhurst
Auction Law and Practice in Germany
by Anna-Dorothea Polzer
Codes of Conduct
by Antony Griffiths
Case Notes
Historic Buildings, Listings and Fixtures (Lancaster City Council v. Whittingham)
by A. H. Hudson
Goldreyer Settles for 100,000 Dollars
by Caroline J. Forder
Good Faith, Notice and Innocent Purchasers (International Alpaca Mgmt Pty Ltd v. Ensor)
by Gregory J. Tolhurst
Conference Reports
Law and Art: the Free Movement of Cultural Property (Maastricht, 6-7 March 1997)
by Ruth Redmond-Cooper
Smuggling the Past: Export Laws and the Clandestine Movement of Art (London, 12 March 1997)
by Katherine Sykes
Legal Status of Museum Collections in the UK (London, 24 April 1997)
by June Sheelan
Book Review
Expert Determination by John Kendall
by Norman Palmer