Thème de la ressource: Législation - International Législation - National Type de ressource: Bibliographie - Revues scientifiques Editeur: Leicester : Institute of Art and LawDate: 2004Langue de publication: AnglaisArticles The First Protocol to the Hague Convention Fifty Years Onby Patrick J. O'Keefe Examining Claims of Fraud and Deception in Australian Aboriginal Artby Christine Alder and Kenneth Polk From the Aegean to the Baltic and Beyond:An Analysis of Cultural Property Dispersionby Molly Torsen Summary of the Report of the Working Group on Human Remains in Museums Collectionsby Charlotte C. Woodhead Human Remains: Transparency, Perspective and Balanceby Hetty Gleave, Sally McDonald, Peter Morris, Patrick O'Keefe and Norman Palmer InternationalActeur: Institute of Art and Law