Journal of Art Crime, Vol 2, Fall 2009

Scientific journals
Thème de la ressource: 
Trafic d'œuvres d'art, d'antiquités, de documents anciens et de spécimens d'histoire naturelle
Pillage d'objets archéologiques
Législation - International
Sécurité et prévention
Exportation, acquisition et obligation de diligence
Litiges, retours et restitutions
Type de ressource: 
Bibliographie - Revues scientifiques
Association for Research into Crimes Against Art
Langue de publication: 

Issues in Identification and the Authenticity of Artist’s Signatures
Graham Ospreay

Hebborn’s “Van Dyck”: Authenticity and Authorship in the Forgery of an Old Master Drawing
Liz Losch

Art Crime Archives
Bojan Dobovšek, Noah Charney, and Saša Vučko

A Permanent International Art Crime Tribunal?
Judge Arthur Tompkins

Lessons in Looting
Stephanie Goldfarb

Vinlandsaga: The Mystery of the Yale Vinland Map
John Yates

Lessons from the History of Art Crime
“Ten Cost-Effective Steps to Improve Security at Your Museum”
Noah Charney

Context Matters
“Looting in the Balkans”
David Gill

An Empty Frame: Thinking About Art Crime
“Are Police Posters Art?”
Derek Fincham

Art Law and Policy
“Holocaust Era Cases Reviewed”
Donn Zaretsky

Cultural Heritage
“Protection of the Concept and Profiles”
Col. Giovanni Pastore

Understanding the Motivations Behind Art Crime
and the Effects of an Institution’s Response
Mark Durney

Cultural Artifacts in Nigeria
Abiodun Johnson Eniyandunni

Financing Terror
Judith Harris

Turkish Archaeological Sites and the Trade of Illegal Antiquities
Catherine Schofield Sezgin

L’Arma per l’Arte. Antologia di Meraviglie
David Gill reviews

Tesori Invisibili at Castel Sant’Angelo

L’Arma per L’Arte: Antologia di Meraviglie at Castel Sant’Angelo
Nathalie di Sciascio reviews

Whose Culture? The Promise of Museums and the Debate Over Antiquities
David Gill reviews

The Lost Chalice: The Epic Hunt for a Priceless Masterpiece
Douglas L. Yearwood reviews

The Monuments Men:
Allied Heroes, Nazi Thieves and the Greatest Treasure Hunt in History
James Charney reviews

John Kleberg reviews

ARCA War Looting Literature Review
Emily Blyze and Kate Panella

The Art We Protect
Top Ten Must-See Works of Art in Madrid
Noah Charney

Profile of Chris Marinello, Executive Director & General Counsel, Art Loss Register
Mark Durney

Q&A with Charley Hill
Mark Durney