Glossary beginning with G
- Good faith
Within the context of the fight against the illicit traffic in cultural property, means the gaining of possession or control over an object where the possessor neither knew nor ought reasonably to have known that the object was stolen and can prove that it exercised due diligence when acquiring the object.
Source: Glossary, UNESCO Database of National Cultural Heritage Laws
- Guaquero
A guaquero (also known as huaquero) is a person who clandestinely excavates at archaeological sites for the purpose of obtaining marketable antiquities; a looter. The term is derived from the Quechua word "huaca" (also "wak’a"). Prior to the Spanish Conquest, a "huaca" was anything that was sacred with an emphasis on sacred places. Today the term is most often ascribed to archaeological sites. In the form "huaco", it normally, but not exclusively, means an ancient ceramic piece. Depending on the context, use of the term ‘huaca’ in modern times can imply that there is still a sacred quality to these sites and objects. A huaquero, then, is a person who illicitly excavates huacas (archaeological sites) for huacos (artefacts). The verb associated with huaqueros is "huaquear": to illicitly dig at or loot an archaeological site.
Source: Trafficking Culture