Resource theme: Traffic of works of art, antiques, ancient documents and natural specimens Endangered & Stolen objects Litigation, Return & Restitution Resource type: Bibliography - Reports Author: FODOR I., GENIEVA E., KOWALSKI W., LEISTRA J., LEMMERMEIER D., LUST J.Editor: Koordinierungsstelle der Länder für die Rückführung von KulturgüternDate: 1997Pages / Length: 99 p.Language of publication: EnglishSpecial attention has been given in this issue of "Spoils of War" to the Russian Federal Law "On Cultural Values Removed to the U.S.S.R. as a Result of World War II and Located in the Territory of the Russian Federation". Although the law has not yet come into force because of President Yeltsin's refusal to sign it, the editorial board decided to print the text of the law in this issue. We think it is of special importance to our readers to know the exact content of this law which has already been accepted by both Houses of the Russian Parliament. The editorial board asked several experts from different countries to express their point of view concerning the law. We particularly want to thank these authors for their readiness to contribute to this special topic. The international discussion we are able to present is very interesting and to our knowledge unique International Download Spoils_of_war_1997.pdf